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CSC - #1 in Quality, Price & Service on Two Continents

  • CSC offers over 250 carefully selected styles originating in Europe (60%) and Asia (40%), specializing in middle, upper middle and high fashion.
  • CSC products have been accepted extremely well by approximately 7,500 customers in the United States and over 2,000 customers throughout Mexico, Central, and South America.
  • Our distribution system protects your investment for maximum profit.
  • CSC’s Rx lab system ranks seventh in the U.S.A.
  • We offer excellent sell-through. Our inventory turns over a minimum of five times per year.
  • Our customers don’t have to buy large quantities and wait four to six months for delivery. No capital outlay is necessary to maintain a four to five month inventory.
  • There is absolutely no obsolete product problem. CSC will ship in quantities of 150 pieces minimum of any mix per order at a fraction over direct import price.
  • Our quality and service are second to none.

We would like to earn your business. Your inquiries are most welcome.